Greg Tran Design
Greg Tran Design
User Experience | Motion | Architecture

Greg Tran Design

The language of design can tell stories, shape forms and bring new worlds to light.  A type of syntax unifies this language and the ability to design one thing lays a foundation for designing anything.  Whatever the content, I try to bring a sense of surprise, insight and empowerment to the audience.  To do this, it's important to understand context and constraints and possess the technical skills to breathe life and beauty into ideas.



I'm currently a Principal Designer at Magic Leap building the future of interactions between our digital and physical worlds. 


My motion work spans UI, 3D animation, production and cinematography. It's always a joy to make movement.     


Digital content and physical space are coming ever closer.  My background in architecture has given me robust skills and a unique vantage point for design. 

Thinking Ahead

Greg Tran’s work is an evolutionary process which will have a revolutionary impact on our human condition and our ever changing relationship to space.
— Yatzer: The Architectural Interface | Ricardo Hernandez



The past is our greatest tool for understanding the future and the cyclical nature of art defines a foundation for every generation to build on. Understanding that foundation is the first step and imagination will keep us moving forward.

It's a challenge to combine radical experiences with the subtleties of form and function, but when technology and design come together, it can engender vast potentials.  I'm excited by these possibilities and always imagine what could come next.  
