
Michael Meredith Studio | 2010

Audiences for contemporary architecture are often limited to ivory-tower and in-the-know-academics.  Hoho's Doubtful Forest aspires to engage new audiences for architecture by leveraging pop mediums of music video and short narrative film.  The sweet spot in design should appeal to broad audiences while still engaging discipline-based discourse upon deeper inspection.  The sequence isn't constructed through logical argumentation (as is often the case with architectural production), but rather an emotional and musical progression.


Ultimately this project culminates in a church at the end of the High Line in New York City.  


Although the aspirations of this project were to simultaneously engage short narrative film and architecture, the biggest benefit was the technical learnings I gained through the process.  My animation and editing skills were bolstered immensely and this provided a technical foundation for a lot of my future animation, cinematic and motion work.  

See the video here